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NC Department of Health and Human Services
Women's and Children's Health Home
N.C. Public Health Home
North Carolina Immunization Branch

North Carolina Immunization Program (NCIP) Requirements

Clinical and Administrative

Coverage Criteria

The purpose of the coverage criteria is to distinguish which North Carolinians are eligible for state-supplied vaccine from the North Carolina Immunization Program (NCIP).

NCIP state-supplied vaccine is generally available for children through the age of 18 in compliance with recommendations made by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. ACIP recommends certain vaccines for certain individuals who are not covered by NCIP state-supplied vaccine. Health care providers must use privately purchased vaccine for those individuals who wish to have vaccine and are not covered by this coverage criteria. For current recommendations for each vaccine, please see the ACIP statements.

Providers should use this coverage criteria document for all state-supplied vaccine.

You will find detailed information regarding determining VFC Eligibility (PDF 121 KB) (updated 2/18/2020), and billing for the North Carolina Immunization Program (NCIP) here: Listing of FQHC, RHC, Local Health Department & Deputized Providers (PDF, 372 KB)